Source code for statistics_plot

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import quantities as pq
import neo
import warnings
from utils import simpleaxis

[docs]def plot_spike_histogram(trials, color='b', ax=None, binsize=None, bins=None, output='counts', edgecolor=None, alpha=1., ylabel=None, nbins=None): """ histogram plot of trials Parameters ---------- trials : list of neo.SpikeTrains color : str Color of histogram. edgecolor : str Color of histogram edges. ax : matplotlib axes output : str Accepts 'counts', 'rate' or 'mean'. binsize : Binsize of spike rate histogram, default None, if not None then bins are overridden. nbins : int Number of bins, defaults to 100 if binsize is None. ylabel : str The ylabel of the plot, if None defaults to output type. Examples -------- >>> import neo >>> from numpy.random import rand >>> from exana.stimulus import make_spiketrain_trials >>> spike_train = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(1000) * 10, t_stop=10, units='s') >>> epoch = neo.Epoch(times=np.arange(0, 10, 1) * pq.s, ... durations=[.5] * 10 * pq.s) >>> trials = make_spiketrain_trials(spike_train, epoch) >>> ax = plot_spike_histogram(trials, color='r', edgecolor='b', ... binsize=1 *, output='rate', alpha=.5) .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import quantities as pq import neo from numpy.random import rand from exana.stimulus import make_spiketrain_trials from statistics_plot import plot_spike_histogram spike_train = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(1000) * 10, t_stop=10, units='s') epoch = neo.Epoch(times=np.arange(0, 10, 1) * pq.s, durations=[.5] * 10 * pq.s) trials = make_spiketrain_trials(spike_train, epoch) ax = plot_spike_histogram(trials, color='r', edgecolor='b', binsize=1 *, output='rate', alpha=.5) Returns ------- out : axes """ ### TODO if bins is not None: assert isinstance(bins, int) warnings.warn('The variable "bins" is deprecated, use nbins in stead.') nbins = bins ### if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) from elephant.statistics import time_histogram dim = trials[0].times.dimensionality t_start = trials[0].t_start.rescale(dim) t_stop = trials[0].t_stop.rescale(dim) if binsize is None: if nbins is None: nbins = 100 binsize = (abs(t_start)+abs(t_stop))/float(nbins) else: binsize = binsize.rescale(dim) time_hist = time_histogram(trials, binsize, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, output=output, binary=False) bs = np.arange(t_start.magnitude, t_stop.magnitude, binsize.magnitude) if ylabel is None: if output == 'counts': ax.set_ylabel('count') elif output == 'rate': time_hist = time_hist.rescale('Hz') if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel('rate [%s]' % time_hist.dimensionality) elif output == 'mean': ax.set_ylabel('mean count') elif isinstance(ylabel, str): ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) else: raise TypeError('ylabel must be str not "' + str(type(ylabel)) + '"')[:len(time_hist)], time_hist.magnitude.flatten(), width=bs[1]-bs[0], edgecolor=edgecolor, facecolor=color, alpha=alpha, align='edge') return ax
[docs]def plot_isi_hist(sptr, alpha=1, ax=None, binsize=2*, time_limit=100*, color='b', edgecolor=None): """ Bar plot of interspike interval (ISI) histogram Parameters ---------- sptr : neo.SpikeTrain color : str color of histogram edgecolor : str edgecolor of histogram ax : matplotlib axes alpha : float opacity binsize : Quantity(s) binsize of spike rate histogram, default 2 ms time_limit : Quantity(s) end time of histogram x limit, default 100 ms Examples -------- >>> import neo >>> from numpy.random import rand >>> spike_train = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(1000) * 10, t_stop=10, units='s') >>> ax = plot_isi_hist(spike_train, alpha=.1, binsize=10*, ... time_limit=100*, color='r', edgecolor='r') .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import quantities as pq import neo from numpy.random import rand from statistics_plot import plot_isi_hist spike_train = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(1000) * 10, t_stop=10, units='s') plot_isi_hist(spike_train, alpha=.5, binsize=10*, time_limit=100*, color='r') Returns ------- out : axes """ edgecolor = edgecolor or color if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() dim = sptr.times.dimensionality spk_isi = np.diff(sorted(sptr.times)) binsize = binsize.rescale(dim).magnitude time_limit = time_limit.rescale(dim).magnitude ax.hist(spk_isi, bins=np.arange(0., time_limit, binsize), normed=True, alpha=alpha, color=color, edgecolor=edgecolor) ax.set_xlabel('Interspike interval $\Delta t$ [{}]'.format(dim)) ax.set_ylabel('Proportion of intervals in {} [{}]'.format(binsize, dim)) ax.set_xlim(0, time_limit) return ax
[docs]def plot_xcorr(spike_trains, colors=None, edgecolors=None, fig=None, density=True, alpha=1., gs=None, binsize=1*, time_limit=1*pq.s, split_colors=True, xcolor='k', xedgecolor='k', xticksvisible=True, yticksvisible=True, acorr=True, ylim=None, names=None): """ Bar plot of crosscorrelation of multiple spiketrians Parameters ---------- spike_trains : list of neo.SpikeTrain or neo.SpikeTrain colors : list or str colors of histogram edgecolors : list or str edgecolor of histogram ax : matplotlib axes alpha : float opacity binsize : Quantity binsize of spike rate histogram, default 2 ms time_limit : Quantity end time of histogram x limit, default 100 ms gs : instance of matplotlib.gridspec split_colors : bool if True splits crosscorrelations into colors from respective autocorrelations xcolor : str color of crosscorrelations xedgecolor : str edgecolor of crosscorrelations xticksvisible : bool show xtics on crosscorrelations, (True by default) yticksvisible : bool show ytics on crosscorrelations, (True by default) acorr : bool show autocorrelations, (True by default) Examples -------- >>> import neo >>> from numpy.random import rand >>> sptr1 = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(100) * 2, t_stop=2, units='s') >>> sptr2 = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(100) * 2, t_stop=2, units='s') >>> sptr3 = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(100) * 2, t_stop=2, units='s') >>> fig = plot_xcorr([sptr1, sptr2, sptr3]) .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import quantities as pq import neo from numpy.random import rand from statistics_plot import plot_xcorr sptr1 = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(100) * 2, t_stop=2, units='s') sptr2 = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(100) * 2, t_stop=2, units='s') sptr3 = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(100) * 2, t_stop=2, units='s') plot_xcorr([sptr1, sptr2, sptr3]) Returns ------- out : fig """ if len(spike_trains) == 1: spike_trains = [spike_trains] from import correlogram import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec if colors is None: from matplotlib.pyplot import cm colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(spike_trains))) elif not isinstance(colors, list): colors = [colors] * len(spike_trains) if edgecolors is None: edgecolors = colors elif not isinstance(edgecolors, list): edgecolors = [edgecolors] * len(spike_trains) def get_name(sptr, idx): if hasattr(sptr, 'name'): name = elif names is not None: assert len(names) == len(spike_trains) name = names[idx] if name is None: name = 'idx {}'.format(idx) return name if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() nrc = len(spike_trains) if gs is None: gs0 = gridspec.GridSpec(nrc, nrc) else: gs0 = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(nrc, nrc, subplot_spec=gs) axs, cnt = [], 0 for x in range(nrc): for y in range(nrc): if (y > x) or (y == x): if not acorr and y == x: continue prev_ax = None if len(axs) == 0 else axs[cnt-1] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs0[x, y], sharex=prev_ax, sharey=prev_ax) axs.append(ax) if y > x: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=xticksvisible) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=yticksvisible) cnt = 0 ccgs = [] for x in range(nrc): for y in range(nrc): if y > x: sptr1 = spike_trains[x] sptr2 = spike_trains[y] count, bins = correlogram( t1=sptr1, t2=sptr2, binsize=binsize, limit=time_limit, auto=False, density=density) ccgs.append(count) if split_colors: c1, c2 = colors[x], colors[y] e1, e2 = edgecolors[x], edgecolors[y] c1_n = sum(bins <= 0) c2_n = len(bins) - c1_n cs = [c1] * c1_n + [c2] * c2_n es = [e1] * c1_n + [e2] * c2_n else: cs, es = xcolor, xedgecolor axs[cnt].bar(bins, count, align='edge', width=-binsize, color=cs, edgecolor=es) axs[cnt].set_xlim([-time_limit, time_limit]) name1 = get_name(sptr1, x) name2 = get_name(sptr2, y) axs[cnt].set_xlabel(name1 + ' ' + name2) cnt += 1 elif y == x and acorr: sptr = spike_trains[x] count, bins = correlogram( t1=sptr, t2=None, binsize=binsize, limit=time_limit, auto=True, density=density) ccgs.append(count) axs[cnt].bar(bins, count, width=-binsize, align='edge', color=colors[x], edgecolor=edgecolors[x]) axs[cnt].set_xlim([-time_limit, time_limit]) name = get_name(sptr, x) axs[cnt].set_xlabel(name + ' ' + name) cnt += 1 if ylim is not None: axs[0].set_ylim(ylim) plt.tight_layout() return ccgs, bins
# def plot_autocorr(sptr, title='', color='k', edgecolor='k', ax=None, # density=True, auto=True, **kwargs): # """ # Bar plot of autocorrelation # # Parameters # ---------- # sptr : neo.SpikeTrain # color : str # color of histogram # edgecolor : str # edgecolor of histogram # ax : matplotlib axes # alpha : float # opacity # binsize : Quantity(s) # binsize of spike rate histogram, default 2 ms # time_limit : Quantity(s) # end time of histogram x limit, default 100 ms # # Examples # -------- # >>> import neo # >>> from numpy.random import rand # >>> sptr1 = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(100) * 2, t_stop=2, units='s') # >>> ax = plot_autocorr(sptr1) # # .. plot:: # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import numpy as np # import quantities as pq # import neo # from numpy.random import rand # from statistics_plot import plot_autocorr # sptr1 = neo.SpikeTrain(rand(100) * 2, t_stop=2, units='s') # plot_autocorr(sptr1) # # # Returns # ------- # out : ax # """ # par = {'corr_bin_width': 0.01*pq.s, # 'corr_limit': 1.*pq.s} # if kwargs: # par.update(kwargs) # from import correlogram # if ax is None: # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # bin_width = par['corr_bin_width'].rescale('s').magnitude # limit = par['corr_limit'].rescale('s').magnitude # count, bins = correlogram(t1=sptr.times.magnitude, t2=None, # binsize=bin_width, limit=limit, auto=True) #[1:], count, width=bin_width, color=color, # edgecolor=edgecolor) # ax.set_xlim([-limit, limit]) # ax.set_title(title)